There’s a commandment that says ‘DON’T WORRY’,
Which sounds like a farce in this world of hurry.

It seems like getting rid of anxiety,
Is harder than showing love to your enemy.

Yet there it is in Philippians 4: 6&7
Worry about nothing; pray about everything to the God of heaven.  

After all, can any one by worrying add a single hour to life?
By racing and pacing, by stewing in strife?

And trying to control what is out of one’s control,
Letting apprehension and concern wear on your soul.

We know the negative side effects of nervous stress,
How fearful thoughts make your health quite a mess.

You worry about your heart, and you damage its strength,
You worry about your memory, and you damage its length.

Anxiety depresses the immune system, so it’s harder to fight disease,
It upsets the stomach, weakens your bones, and it makes some people wheeze.

So no use fretting about the future or dwelling in the past,
Or holding on to things that just weren’t meant to last.

This is easier said than done, I know,
Trying to let the little things go…

Like - what will I eat? What will I wear?
Is my body okay? What about my hair?

Tuesday I need to I do this and Thursday I have to do that,
The meetings pile up and time moves way too fast.

Still… in the midst of it all, we must try to seek calm,
By connecting with Him, as they do in each Psalm.

For dialoguing is better than a disquiet state,
Thinking, not fussing, about things while you wait.  

Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
So take your fear and doubt and put them both on the shelf.

Be mindful in the moment, accept and move on,
Make the most of this unique day before it is all gone.

90% of the things we worry about will never occur,
This is a pleasant statistic that helps reassure.

So although the road ahead may look uncertain and blurry,
Step by step, stay the course and most importantly - DON’T WORRY.